
35mm SLR system • Discontinued

The design of the first Miranda 35mm SLR cameras appears to be modeled on the classic Kine Exakta, with some important improvements. The basic mount, which was to be unchanged for almost every subsequent camera, had on its outside a 4-claw bayonet mount and on its inside a screw mount of 44mm diameter. The bayonet mount was for attaching the lenses having automatic diaphragms, extension bellows, etc., and the inner screw mount was for preset lenses and most other accessories.

This design remained unchanged through models T, T-II, S, ST, A, B, C, D and DR. All cameras had a front shutter release, which allowed the mounting of lenses with an external automatic diaphragm (known as a Pressure Automatic Diaphragm or PAD). Pressing the release button on the lens arm closed down the diaphragm and then further pressure pushed the camera shutter release. The same mechanism can be found on all classic Exakta models, although the shutter release is on the left hand side of the camera. The model T, T-II, S and ST came with preset screw mount lenses; all the others offered a bayonet mount PAD lens as standard in most markets. All lenses and cameras of this type are fully interchangeable functionally.

In 1960 Miranda announced the automex, the first 35mm SLR camera with a built-in exposure meter coupled to the lens. For the automex (and later - Sensorex), Miranda introduced a new range of lenses with two new coupling mechanisms. The diaphragm closing mechanism was moved behind the lens, internal through the lens mount. The aperture setting ring was provided with a small additional arm on the left side which connected to a matching arm on the camera body. In this way, the aperture set on the lens was transferred to the camera and the match needle metering could be used. A separate stop down sliding lever with lock was incorporated in all the automex lenses.

Miranda provided a much-needed automatic diaphragm mechanism for the next meterless models. The same lenses from the automex III were provided without meter coupling arm, for the new model F. This model was a considerable update on the DR, both internally and in user features. The camera sported the internal diaphragm control. The viewfinder system and front shutter release were retained, so that all previous pre-set and PAD lenses worked with this model. The F was extended into the more comprehensive G, with interchangeable focus screens, an oversize mirror, and mirror lockup. The F was upgraded lightly to Fv to match. These were the last non-metered Mirandas. In 1968, Miranda offered a new development of the Fv called the Sensomat. Essentially, this camera added the TTL meter-on-the-mirror from the Sensorex. This was a stop down metering camera, so the lenses from all the previous models were still compatible. A second version, the Sensomat RE, refined the controls but did not significantly change the camera. Thus, the Miranda models from the F through to the Sensomat RE all have similar lenses, with some variations on stop down lever provision.

When the company announced the Auto Sensorex EE it created a sensation. Here was a complete automatic 35mm SLR with more features than could be imagined. It combined a TTL light measuring system with a fully automatic exposure control. The camera permitted, besides EE photography, also manual photography. For the Auto Sensorex EE, Miranda introduced a new range of lenses with two additional internal coupling mechanisms. The external arm of the automex/Sensorex range of lenses was dropped. The actual diaphragm actuating lever from the automex/Sensorex was unchanged. A separate stopdown preview lever was incorporated in all these lenses. You can easily identify these lenses by the red letter "E" on the front ring, and the red "EE" position after the smallest aperture on the aperture selection dial. This is the normal operating position for use with Auto Sensorex EE and EE-2.

In producing the Miranda dx-3, the world's first compact, electronically controlled 35mm SLR, the Miranda engineers and designers far exceeded their expectations: miniaturized IC circuitry, LED readouts, full information viewfinder, QIS rangefinder, and compact size were all incorporated. New EC series lenses were developed for the dx-3, ranging from 28mm to 200mm. The 28mm, 35mm and 50mm lenses were significantly smaller than their E series predecessors. The focusing rings were rubberized, replacing the scalloped serration design which had started with the K series for the Miranda C in 1958. The aperture rings were a soft chrome, black numerals and a black triangle setting for EE operation. All EC series lenses are marked with red "EC" letters on the front ring, feature an automatic EE diaphragm mechanism, and Miranda's single layer anti-reflection coating. Functionally the EC series lenses are identical to the E series, and are interchangeable with them.

With the demise of the dx-3, two last Miranda SLRs were available for the EC series lenses. The RE-II was essentially a Sensomat RE with the full aperture metering mechanism of the dx-3 added in. The EE-2 was a cosmetic upgrade to the Sensorex EE and offered the same shutter preferred automation. Neither of these met with great success. The owner of Miranda, the American import/export company Allied Impex Corporation, struggled financially, so Miranda had to give in. It went bankrupt on December 10, 1976 and stopped camera production the same month.

Contrary to popular legend among collectors, Miranda never made its own lenses. In the 1950s, the company made the bodies and bought lenses from various companies, including Soligor, under long term contracts. An American company called Allied Impex Corporation (AiC), which was the official importer for Miranda into the USA right from the beginning, owned Soligor and, in 1963, bought Miranda Camera Co. - thus becoming the owner of both companies. Not unnaturally, all Miranda cameras were then supplied with Soligor lenses.

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