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Which lenses are not in the database?

We don't record:

  • lenses designed for formats other than APS-C, 35mm full frame, medium format (up to 6x7),
  • lenses for which we do not have manufacturer's literature with descriptions and basic specifications (optical design, closest focusing distance, weight, length, filter size),
  • lenses designed for twin-lens reflex cameras,
  • lenses designed for 35mm leaf-shutter cameras,
  • lenses with Canon J, Edixa-rex, Soviet Kiev-Avtomat, Soviet M39x1, Praktiflex M40x1, Miranda, Rectaflex mounts,
  • lenses of junk brand names, including but not limited to: Access, Accura, Admiral, Albinar, Asanuma, Beroflex, Berolina, Bower, Braun, Cambron, Carena, Centon, Coligon, Computar, Cosmicar, CPC, Danubia, Deitz, DeJur, DOI, Elicar, Focal, Formula 5, Hanimex, Hoya, Javelin, JC Penny, Kaligar, Kalimar, Kawanon, Kenlock, Lensbaby, Lomography, Makina, Marumi, Miida, Mitake, Nikura, Ohnar, Opteka, Optomax, Osawa, Owen, Ozeck, Pallas, Paragon, Pentor, Phoenix, Photax, Polaris, Porst, Prinz, Pro Optic, Promura, Revuenon, Rexagon, Rexatar, Rokinon, Rokunar, Sakar, Samigon, Sears, Sirius, Starblitz, Sunagor, Tefnon, Telesar, Tou/Five Star, Unitor, Universar, Upsilon, Varexon, Vitacon, Walimex, Weltblick, Wollensak, Zykkor,
  • lenses made in Russia / post-Soviet countries,
  • Chinese lenses,
  • autofocus lenses designed for manual focus cameras,
  • lenses developed for military applications,
  • cine lenses,
  • CCTV, projection, enlarging, microscope, stereo lenses,
  • attachment lenses,
  • telecompressors,
  • prototype lenses.

Website A gives different information about lens B. Do you plan to bring your information in line with that website?

On our website, lens specifications are unified and filled out strictly on the basis of data contained in booklets or instruction manuals published by lens manufacturers. We do not use unverified information (i.e. private information not based on manufacturer documents). Because similar independent websites never state their sources, we are not interested in any information from them, and we never sync with them.

Do you have an API?

We don’t have an API and we don’t have plans to create it.

Do you collect information about lens serial numbers?

We do not collect this kind of data. We do understand that sometimes serial numbers are important and useful (especially in the case of Nikon and Leica lenses), because they can help to distinguish one version of the lens from another, roughly determine the year of production etc. Anyway, currently we do not have any plans to record sets of serial numbers in our database.

Do you sell cameras, lenses or other photographic equipment?

No, we don't sell anything. Nevertheless, there can be links on the pages of our website to online stores or private sellers of photographic equipment, which we consider reliable and whose services we often use when we want to purchase photographic equipment.

Can you please help me determine the original or current market price of the lens?

Sometimes users of our website have been questioning us in the comments about original or current market prices of certain lenses. Typically, these questions are due to the fact that such users plan to sell lenses on marketplaces (for example, eBay).

Please be informed that our website specializes solely in providing information about lenses. We do not sell them or track their prices: it's just not interesting to us. We also do not provide users with the opportunity to place advertisements. Therefore, we cannot help you determine the original or current market price of a particular lens.

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KK Low
KK Low
2 years ago

HI, I have a Rolleiflex 6008i Apo Symmar lens that is having error issues with the 6008i body. I believe it is the lens internal problem and would like your advise on which part in the world is Service being offered for such Rolleiflex equipment. As I am from Malaysia I would prefer an Asian centre. Thank you.

1 year ago

Hallo, darf ich Screenshots von Linsenrechnungen dieser Webseite in meinem YouTube Kanal nutzen oder gibt es da Rechtliche Einschränkungen?Sehr schöne Seite mit wirklich vielen Informationen. Sehr übersichtlich. Find den Vergleich von ähnlichen Objektiven sehr gut. Schade ist nur das keine DDR Objektive geführt werden.

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