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Pentacon super

35mm SLR system • Discontinued

A short-lived 35mm SLR system produced by Kombinat VEB Pentacon (East Germany). The Pentacon super was a camera with a truly advanced specification for serious professional use. A completely new focal plane shutter of cloth and metal, travelling vertically, gave a top speed of 1/2,000 sec. and slow speeds down to 10 sec. TTL exposure metering was carried out at full aperture, with a double pin mechanism to provide both auto iris operation and an adjustment to the resistance of the meter according to the aperture selected. Praktica/Pentax thread lenses not having this feature could be used in the stopped-down mode. The viewfinder showed the exposure meter match needle and all the information needed when operating the camera without taking it away from the eye. Both the viewfinder and focusing screens were interchangeable. The film back could be removed and an accessory bulk film magazine attached, with or without a motor drive unit.

Production began in 1968, but ceased already in 1972: the high price did not contribute to sales. In total, only 4,579 bodies were released.

The lens fitted as standard was Carl Zeiss Jena DDR Pancolar 50mm F/1.8 or 55mm F/1.4. In addition to these two models, the 75mm F/1.4 short telephoto lens was also produced. The Pentacon super booklet (Ag 22/064/67) also mentioned Flektogon 20mm F/4, Flektogon 35mm F/2.8, Tessar 50mm F/2.8, Biometar 80mm F/2.8, Sonnar 135mm F/3.5, Sonnar 180mm F/2.8* and Sonnar 300mm F/4* lenses, but it is unknown whether these lenses were actually released or remained on paper.

* with an interchangeable mount adapter for the Pentacon super camera.

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