Ihagee Kamerawerk's medium format 6x6cm SLR system based on the Pentacon six legacy. It consisted of a single camera, the EXAKTA 66, with a more modern and stylish design of the camera body, but also with the same good old Pentacon six breech-lock bayonet mount and a choice of a TTL prism finder or a folding hood with magnifier for comfortable waist level shooting. The camera was announced at Photokina 1984, produced from 1985 in small batches and sold from 1986. It was not very popular, and in total no more than 5-6 thousand units were sold.
A versatile lens range for the EXAKTA 66 covered altogether twelve interchangeable lenses of focal lengths from 60mm** to 280mm. It included two Variogon zooms and a 55mm PCS tilt-and-shift lens. Symmar-S and M-Componon were special lenses intended for macrophotography with the extension bellows. All these lenses were top quality computer designed systems*** of a famous make: Schneider-Kreuznach. All had a spring-loaded auto-stopdown mechanism and a coupling pin for automatic aperture input into the TTL metering system of the prism finder.
** Manufacturer's literature also mentioned a Schneider-Kreuznach Curtagon 40/4 ultra-wide angle lens, however, apparently, it only existed in catalogs and was never actually released.
*** These optical designs, however, were not unique: Schneider-Kreuznach produced them not only for the EXAKTA 66, but also for Bronica SQ, Hasselblad 500/200/2000 and Rolleiflex SLX/6000 series cameras.