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Fisheye lenses (1)E - GCFDWeightLengthFilterYear
Zodiak-8 30mm F/3.5 Fisheye10 - 60.30100096.0--
Wide-angle prime lenses (4)E - GCFDWeightLengthFilterYear
Carl Zeiss Distagon 60mm F/5.66 - ?0.5028043.5S.VII1954 
Mir-26 45mm F/3.58 - 70.5070098.0⌀82
Mir-3 65mm F/3.56 - 50.40610110.0
Mir-38 65mm F/3.56 - 50.5055086.0⌀72
Standard prime lenses (5)E - GCFDWeightLengthFilterYear
Carl Zeiss Tessar 80mm F/2.84 - 30.5025047.5S.VII
Industar-29 80mm F/2.84 - 30.9033068.0⌀58
Kodak Ektar 80mm F/2.85 - 30.50S.VII1948 
Vega-12 90mm F/2.85 - 40.6046070.0⌀58
Volna-3 80mm F/2.8 MC6 - 50.60360⌀62
Short telephoto prime lenses (4)E - GCFDWeightLengthFilterYear
Carl Zeiss Sonnar 135mm F/3.55 - 31.0052080.5S.VII
Kaleinar-3 150mm F/2.84 - 41.801100105.0⌀82
Kodak Ektar 135mm F/3.5? - ?1.00S.VII1949 
Vega-28 120mm F/2.8 MC6 - 51.2048058.0⌀62
Medium telephoto prime lenses (5)E - GCFDWeightLengthFilterYear
Carl Zeiss Sonnar 250mm F/5.64 - ?2.50S.VII1954 
Jupiter-36 250mm F/3.54 - 33.501500180.0⌀82
Tair-33 300mm F/4.54 - 33.001700246.0⌀88
Telear-5 250mm F/5.6 MC5 - 52.50760140.0⌀62
Zeiss-Opton Sonnar 250mm F/44 - ?2.441100163.0S.IX1951 

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